people do better when they know better

Now Introducing

Are you tired of feeling like you’re somehow both “stuck” and “drifting”? 

Flight Deck Life School can help you find meaning where you are, faith to move you forward, and purpose to propel you.

Flight Deck Life School was created to help you find your calling, develop your God-given potential, and learn to apply faith that works, not just on Sunday, but every day – and in every area of your life.


People do better when they know better.

It’s really that simple.

However, breaking knee-jerk patterns and long-ingrained responses and behavioral habits requires some self-awareness and effort. Self-awareness empowers people to know the “why” of their behaviors and better temper the effects of their actions in each situation.

Our training sessions allow people to retreat into a space where they will acquire new strategies to 1) maximize their strengths, 2) mitigate their blind spots. Understanding innate preferences and learning to work with them can improve performance and satisfaction in every area that matters.

Our private consultations, group classes or team-building events prove to be catalysts for positive growth and real change.
